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FREE Broken Key extractor set

FREE Broken Key extractor set

Chris Dangerfield |

Hello Friends!

SNAP! Oh nuts.

This horrific sight does not have to be a problem. Nor does snapping a pick in a lock, or anything else for that matter - there's a simple solution!

Oh gosh, everyone and their mother has had the distinct displeasure of having a key break in the lock - and that's a job for a locksmith, and that's gonna mean time, and hassle, and money! Oh dear.

As lock pickers, we stick a lot more than keys in locks; picks, wrenches, pick gun needles, piano wire - even things like nail-clippers, crochet needles, many, many things that can, and have, or will, snap in the lock.

Using two of the tools from an extractor set, it's almost as satisfying as picking a lock when that broken key comes out!

And here's the rub, it's those damn spring loaded pins that cause the problems, they trap the object tightly, and you need a set of tools that can deal with these problems. Or lose locks, and time, and money!

The solution to your broken key/pick in lock problems!

However - this problem has a solution! A broken key extractor set! I am so surprised how few lock pickers have a set! All day long I get emails "I've snapped a key/pick/etc in my lock, HELP!" and my answer is always the same: GET A BROKEN KEY EXTRACTOR SET, they work!


In an attempt to put an end to this problem, I'm GIVING AWAY a Broken Key Extractor Set with every order over £30 before VAT.

Simply add all the items you want to your basket, including this BROKEN KEY EXTRACTOR SET and use this code at checkout: yesfree

There you go! You'll never need to worry about breaking anything into a lock again - and should a friend snap a key in their lock - you're good to save the day!

A selection of removal tools from the free set.

Stay happy

Chris Dangerfield.