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Lock Picking and Lock Bumping News — Bitcoins


Posted by Chris Dangerfield on


Hello all Well we've taken about 20 purchases now using Bitcoins which is excellent. There's a big cross over at the moment between the hacking community and the locksport crowd so it seems only right to forge that connection by having lock picks available for bitcoins. Due to a recent hacking incident on The Silk Road Bitcoins haters predicted the end - ignorant as they are in thinking Bitcoins are solely for a spate of relatively small anonymous markets, and not the global changes they are bringing about in economics and commerce everywhere.     Anyway, it's good to see...

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Bitcoins for Lock Picks

Posted by Mark Stuckey on

Bitcoins for Lock Picks

After a ton of emails, phonecalls and a ton of head scratching we are now able to offer you secure purchasing of all our excellent value lock picks, bump keys, pick guns and other lock smith tools with Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the worlds most popular crypto-currency meaning purchases with this form of money are almost impossible to hyjack leaving both the buyer and seller in a very strong position to trust the transactions. Backed by some of the worlds most sophisticated encryption techniques, it has never been better to buy lock picking tools and other locksmiths supplies from UK Bump...

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